
徐珊惠 教授

基 本 資 料

姓名:徐珊惠 (Tiffany Hsu)




到職年月: 94 年 8 月

現職年月: 101 年8 月





體育(一)桌球與健康體能 體適能運動與健康體能 健訓與健康體能 桌球(男) 桌球(女) 體適能運動(男女) 健走(男女)女子田徑校隊男子田徑校隊女子田徑校隊女子桌球校隊

重 要 經 歷

A. 個人經歷

  1. 體育室/體育健康與休閒研究所 副教授 (2012-)
  2. 性別與婦女研究中心兼任副研究員 (2012-)
  3. 體育室/體育健康與休閒研究所 助理教授 (2005-2012)
  4. 性別與婦女研究中心兼任助理研究員 (2007-2012)

B. 體育室內行政工作

  1. 體育室課程規劃委員 (2017-)
  2. 體健休所99年管理學院55週年專刊委員會委員(2010.07~2011.07
  3. 體健休所99年課程委員會委員(2010.07~2011.07
  4. 體健休所第五屆研究生導師(2010

C. 校外行政工作

  1. 教育部性別平等教育議題輔導群諮詢委員 (2013-)
  2. 台灣女性學學會副理事長 (2014-2015)
  3. 台灣女性學學會理事 (2013-2016)
  4. 中華民國定向越野協會監事
  5. 國外期刊Physical Educator 審查委員(2008~

D. 校內行政工作

  1. 通識中心教學組組長 (2015-)
  2. 性別平等教育委員會委員 (2007-)
  3. 性別與婦女研究中心主任 (2015-2017)
  4. 流舞社指導老師 (2015-)
  5. 單車社指導老師 (2010-)
  6. 女子桌球隊教練 (2013-)
  7. 校長室英文秘書(2006~2011
  8. 女子田徑隊教練(2005~2013
  9. 體育室活動組組長 (2012-2013)

1. 國立成功大學性別與婦女研究中心助理研究員

2. 台北 YMCA 游泳教練及行政人員

3. SAUGA 2002 年夏令營講師

4. 雅典城中文學校中文教師

5. 美國喬治亞州小學體育教育師資培育督查員

6. 美國喬治亞體育教師研習營教育科技講師

7. 美國喬治亞大學體育教育與運動研究系助教

8. 國外期刊Physical Educator 審查委員(2008~)

9. 中華民國定向越野協會常務監事 (2010~)

10. 校長室英文秘書(2008~)

11. 女子田徑隊教練(2005~)

12. 單車社指導老師 (2009~)

榮 譽
  1. 國立成功大學99年服務學習教學優良獎
  2. 國立成功大學98年服務學習教學傑出獎
  3. 台北體育學院傑出校友(2009)
  4. Mary Ella Lunday Soule Scholarship Award, The University of Georgia, 2004

1. 國立成功大學98學年第一學期服務學習課程傑出獎(2010)

2. 國立成功大學99學年第一學期服務學習課程優等獎(2011)

3. 美國喬治亞大學研究所出席會議旅遊補助金 (2005)

4. 美國喬治亞大學基礎體育教育課程助教獎學金 (2004-2005)

5. 美國喬治亞大學 Mary Ella Lunday Soule 獎學金 (2004)

6. 美國喬治亞大學學費減免獎學金 (2002-2004)

7. 美國喬治亞大學台灣同學會會長傑出表現獎 (2003)

8. 美國喬治亞大學教育學院研究生出席會議旅遊補助金 (2002 , 2005)

9. 美國喬治亞大學副校長海外出席會議旅遊補助金 (2002)

10. 台灣台北體育學院志工獎 (1998)

11. 台灣台北體育學院優秀市長獎 (1998)

12. 台灣傑出大專院校優秀青年獎 (1997)


代 表 著 作

學術期刊發表論文 Journal Publication(s):

1.Hsu, S.H.& Chepyator-Thomson, J.R.(2010). ''Multiculturalism in Secondary School Physical Education Textbooks.'' Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.29:199-220(SSCI)

2. Lee, Y.L. & Hsu, S.H.(March, 2010). ''Taiwan Literature: A Minoritizing Project.'' Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies.36.1: 61-78(THCI Core)

3. Brain O. C., Chepyator-Thomson, J. R. & Hsu, S. H."Pre-service Teachers' Experiential Perspectives Based on a Multicultural Learning Service Practicum" (Winter, 2009). The Physical Educator. 66(1): 23-36.

4. Chepyator-Thomson, J.R. & Hsu, S. H. "Student Teaching: Preservice Teachers' Perspectives and Experiences" (Summer, 2007). Educational Research Journal. 22(1): 23-48.

5. McCullick, B. A., Schempp, P., Hsu, S. H., Jung, J. H., Vickers, B. & Schuknecht, G. (2006) "An Analysis of the Working Memory of Expert Sport Instructors." Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.25(2):149-165 (SSCI)

6. 徐珊惠;李育霖(2006): 語言與文化:女性大學生在體育課堂上的表現個案。國教之友,58(1),38-47

學術會議發表論文 Proceedings and Conference(s):

1. 徐珊惠,《性別、運動、電影:以台灣90年代紀錄片對運動議題的再現與詮釋》,2010年12月。台灣社會學年會暨國科會專題研究成果發表會(「預見下一個台灣社會?」2010年年會),台北,台灣。(Full Paper)

2. Hsu, S. H.& Lee, Y.L. "The Negotiation of Female Agency in Sports Culture: A case study of the first Taiwanese female Olympic Medalist Chi Cheng"(2010, September). The 10th International Women in Asia (WIA) Conference in Canberra, Australia.

3. Lee, Y.L. & Hsu, S. H."A Translation of the Past: Memory and Cultural Translation in Cape No. 7"(August 15-21, 2010) presenting in the XIX Congress of International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA 2010), Soul, South Korea. (Full Paper)

4. Hsu, S. H.,Wang, Y.F., Lee, Y.L. & Chen, P.H. "Habitus Change in Current Taiwanese Society: A study of the sense of place in the reproduction of cultural goods"(June 17-21, 2010) presentingin 2010 Crossroads for Culture Studies Conference, Hong Kong. (Full Paper)

5. Chen, W.J. & Hsu, S.H."Participation of Children with Disability in Leisure Activities"(May 25-28, 2010) presented in the International Conference of Physical Education and Sport Science (ICPESS), Singapore.

6. Hsu, S.H., Chepyator-Thomson, J.R. & Kuo, H.L. "Learning and Teaching in Technology: A case study in a basic physical education classroom in Taiwan" (March 29-April 2, 2010)presented in the SITE 2010--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, San Diego, CA, USA. [NSC 99-2914-I-006-011-A1] (Full Paper)

7. 徐珊惠,《運動媒體文化之性別化》,2010年1月。台灣文化研究學會(文化生意:重探符號/資本/權力的新關係2010年年會),台南,台灣。(Full Paper)

8. Lee, Y.L. & Hsu, S.H."Taiwan Literature: A Minoritizing Project" presented in the 2nd Deleuze Studies Conference [Aug 10-12, 2009] taking place at the University of Cologne, Germany. (Full Paper)

9. Hsu, S. H."Sports TV Commercial as a Reproductive Machine of Heterosexuality" presented in the 16th The International Associationof Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women (IAPESGW) Congress, South Africa July 16-19, 2009.

10. Hsu, S. H.& Chepyator-Thomson, R. J. Childhood Obesity in Asia: Measures, Factors, and Evidence-based Solutions (2008, November). International Conference on Childhood Obesity (ICCO) in Hong Kong, China. (Full Paper)

11. Hsu, S. H.Unisex: A case of a Taiwanese Female Athlete (2008, September). Ninth International Women in Asia (WIA) Conference in Brisbane, Australia.

12. Hsu, S. H.& Lee, Y. L. The Dialectof Sex and Gender in Sport: Beautiful Boxer as a case in point (2008, July). ACS Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference in Kingston, Jamaica.

13. Hsu, S. H.& Lee, Y. L. Physical education as a showcase of cultures (2008, January). 2008 International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP) Congress in Hokkaido, Japan.

14. 徐珊惠,《體育性別化與性別體育化:《美麗拳王》中運動與性別身體辯證》,2008年1月。台灣文化研究學會(樂生怒活Enjoy Living, Raging Lives 2008年年會),台北,台灣。(Full Paper)

15. 徐珊惠,《女性與運動》,2007年12月。性別研究教學成果發表會-帶動週遭學校或同領域學術發展之具體策略與成效,台南,台灣。(Full Paper)

16. Hsu, S. H.Teaching with Technology: A case study in a basic physical education classroom in Taiwan. (2007, August). Multimedia, Educational Resource for Learning Online Teaching (MERLOT) International Conference in New Orleans, USA.

17. Hsu, S. H.& Chepyator-Thomson J. R. Media Creation of Body Images: Female, Athlete and Female Athlete (2006, November). North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) National Convention in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

18. Hsu, S. H., ChengHong Wu, Yaslan Chan, Miao San Yea and Chia Wei Chan. What do Female Athletes Look Like in Taiwan (2007, April). American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention in Baltimore, MD.

19. Hsu, S. H.Becoming a''Female'' Athlete: A Case of Taiwanese Female Athletic Identity. (2006, April). American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah.

20. Chepyator-Thomson J. R., Hsu, S. H., & Culp B.A plea for Responsible Pedagogy in PETE Programs: Ideas and Strategies (2006, April). American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah.


其它學術著作 Other Publication(s):

教育部(2009)。<運動空間>。載於《校園性侵害或性騷擾防治與輔導實務手冊—身體活動指導篇》。台北市: 徐珊惠;龔憶玲(編製)。


1. Lee, Y. L., & Hsu, S. H. (2011). Outside the Imperial Machine. In C. NERI & F. VILLARD (Eds.), Global Fences: Literatures, Limits, Borders (pp. 127-136). France: Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3.

2. 徐珊惠(2009)。<誰來運動?--「女性與運動」通識課程設計與教學分享>。載於劉開鈴、陸偉明(主編),《認同、差異與發聲:性別教學演練(111-129頁) 。台北市:五南書局

3. Hsu, Shan -Hui.(2005). Imaginationin Physical Education: A comparative study of youth identity and body-schema in elementary school students. Ph.D. Dissertation. The University of Georgia


A. 期刊論文:

  1. 徐珊惠 (201709)。女性主義的體育運動組織探究。國民體育季刊。190217-21
  2. 徐珊惠、董尹涵(201307月)。全球身體活動之文化與性別的影響描圖:以學術研究為例(translation: Mapping Global Physical Activity from Cultural and Gender Perspectives)。休閒與社會研究。7: 1-19
  3. Hsu, S.H. & Chepyator-Thomson, J.R.(2010). “Multiculturalism in Secondary School Physical Education Textbooks.” Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.29:199-220(SSCI)
  4. Lee, Y.L. & Hsu, S.H.(March, 2010). “Taiwan Literature: A Minoritizing Project.” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies.36.1: 61-78 (THCI Core)
  5. Brain O. C., Chepyator-Thomson, J. R. & Hsu, S. H. “Pre-service Teachers’ Experiential Perspectives Based on a Multicultural Learning Service Practicum” (Winter, 2009). The Physical Educator. 66(1): 23-36.
  6. Chepyator-Thomson, J.R. & Hsu, S. H. “Student Teaching: Preservice Teachers’ Perspectives and Experiences” (Summer, 2007). Educational Research Journal. 22(1): 23-48.
  7. McCullick, B. A., Schempp, P., Hsu, S. H., Jung, J. H., Vickers, B. & Schuknecht, G. (2006) “An Analysis of the Working Memory of Expert Sport Instructors.” Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.25(2):149-165 (SSCI)
  8. 徐珊惠;李育霖 (2006): 語言與文化:女性大學生在體育課堂上的表現個案。國教之友,581),38-47

B. 研討會期刊:

  1. 徐珊惠 (201710)。台北世大運報導中女性運動員形象探究。2017國際婦女與運動研討會,台北。[論文海報優選獎]
  2. Shan-Hui Hsu (2017, July). The Precarious Identity of Female Athletes with Disabilities. International Conference on Sport and Society, London, UK.
  3. Shan-Hui Hsu (2017, Jun). A Localized Ethnoscape of Leisure: A study of leisure activities of new immigrants women in Taiwan. International Conference Gender, Migration and Economies, Hong Kong.
  4. Shan-Hui Hsu (2014, Nov). Identity, Difference and Voicing: Pedagogical Praxisin Gender Studies.. The 14th Symposium on Human & Sport Science. Daegu,South Korea .
  5. Shan-Hui Hsu; I-Tzu Haung (2014, Nov). Body and Subjectivity in Women’s Sport Literature. 2014 The North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) Conference, Portland, USA. MOST 102-2815-C-006-023-H.
  6. Shan-Hui Hsu (2014, Aug). Career Planning From LOHAS thur Healthy Slowness. 2014 Conference on Aging, Culture, & Health and the 38th Chinese-American Academic and Professional Association in South-Eastern United States Annual Conference, Atlanta, USA.
  7. Su-Yu Chiou; Shan-Hui Hsu (2014, Aug). Gender and Health Issues in the Trends of Successful ageing in Taiwan. The 12th Women’s World Congress, Hyderabad, India.
  8. Yu-Lin Lee; Shan-Hui Hsu (2014, Jun). How Does One Become a Master of One’s Speed?. Foldings in Ang Lee’s Life of Pi. Hokkaido Workshop on Speed and Taiwan Cinema, Hakkaido, Japan.
  9. Shan-Hui Hsu (2014, Apr). The Influence of Gender and Sex on Taiwanese Women in Sport. 2014 Global Educational Forum on Women in Sport, Education and Health, Athens, USA.
  10. Hsu, Shan-Hui (2013, Jul). The Intervention of Gender Consciousness in College PE Classroom in Taiwan. AIESEP 2013, warsaw, Poland. NSC 101-2401-H-006-125.
  11. 徐珊惠(201312月)。大學體育教師之課程配置歷程探討。2013體育運動學術研討會,台北,台灣。NSC 101-2410-H-006-125
  12. Hsu, S. H. (2013, July). The Intervention of Gender Consciousness in College PE Classroom in Taiwan. AIESEP 2013, Warsaw, Poland.
  13. 徐珊惠(201212月)。科技與教學:大學體育課程web2.0實踐的可能性。2012體育運動學術研討會,台北,台灣。NSC 101-2410-H-006-125[優秀論文獎]
  14. Hsu, S. H. (2012, Jun). The Leisure Mental Landscape of Anping Women. The 9th Bi-annual Crossroads in Cultural Studies conference, Paris, France.
  15. Hsu, S. H., Lee, Y.L. (2012, Jun). The Impossible Leisure? The Disabled Body in Sport and its Narrative Prosthesis. the 9th International Conference Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Paris, France. NSC 100-2410-H-006-078.
  16. 徐珊惠,《運動身體的性別探討:以大學體育課程為例》,2011 12 月。2011 體育運動學術團體聯合年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。[優秀論文獎]
  17. 徐珊惠,《身體意象協商的性別差異》,2011 10 月。兩岸高等性別教育論壇『當今性別研究理論與實踐』,長春,中國。(NSC99-2410-H-006-113)
  18. Hsu, S.H. & Chen, Y. A. “Leisure Cultural in New Media: A study of bicycle riders inTaiwan.” (2011, September). The 10th European Sociology Association (ESA)Conference in Geneva, Switzerland. (Full Paper) (NSC99-2410-H-006-113)
  19. Hsu, S.H. “Women’s Leisure Body in a Local Community: A case study of women’s bodies in daily physical activity in Anping.” (2011, July). Women’s Worlds 2011 in Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada. (Full Paper)
  20. Hsu, S. H. “The Negotiation of Female Agency in Sports Culture: A case study of the first Taiwanese female Olympic Medalist Chi Cheng” (2010, September). The 10th International Women in Asia (WIA) Conference in Canberra, Australia.
  21. Lee, Y.L. & Hsu, S. H. “A Translation of the Past: Memory and Cultural Translation in Cape No. 7” (August 15-21, 2010) presenting in the XIX Congress of International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA 2010), Soul, South Korea. (Full Paper)
  22. Hsu, S. H., Wang, Y.F., Lee, Y.L. & Chen, P.H. “Habitus Change in Current Taiwanese Society: A study of the sense of place in the reproduction of cultural goods” (June 17-21, 2010) presenting in 2010 Crossroads for Culture Studies Conference, Hong Kong.(Full Paper)
  23. Chen, W.J. & Hsu, S.H. “Participation of Children with Disability in Leisure Activities” (May 25-28, 2010) presented in the International Conference of Physical Education and Sport Science (ICPESS), Singapore.
  24. Hsu, S.H., Chepyator-Thomson, J.R. & Kuo, H.L. “Learning and Teaching in Technology: A case study in a basic physical education classroom in Taiwan” (March 29-April 2, 2010) presented in the SITE 2010--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, San Diego, CA, USA. (Full Paper) (NSC 99-2914-I-006-011-A1)
  25. 徐珊惠,《運動媒體文化之性別化》,2010 月。台灣文化研究學會(文化生意:重探符號/資本/權力的新關係 2010 年年會 ),台南,台灣。 (Full Paper)
  26. Lee, Y.L. & Hsu, S.H. “Taiwan Literature: A Minoritizing Project” presented in the 2nd Deleuze Studies Conference [Aug 10-12, 2009] taking place at the University of Cologne, Germany. (Full Paper)
  27. Hsu, S. H. “Sports TV Commercial as a Reproductive Machine of Heterosexuality” presented in the 16th The International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women (IAPESGW) Congress, South Africa July 16-19, 2009. (NSC97-2629-H-006-001)
  28. Hsu, S. H. & Chepyator-Thomson, R. J. Childhood Obesity in Asia: Measures, Factors, and Evidence-based Solutions (2008, November). International Conference on Childhood Obesity (ICCO) in Hong Kong, China. (Full Paper)
  29. Hsu, S. H. Unisex: A case of a Taiwanese Female Athlete (2008, September). Ninth International Women in Asia (WIA) Conference in Brisbane, Australia.
  30. Hsu, S. H. & Lee, Y. L. The Dialect of Sex and Gender in Sport: Beautiful Boxer as a case in point (2008, July). ACS Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference in Kingston, Jamaica.
  31. Hsu, S. H. & Lee, Y. L. Physical education as a showcase of cultures (2008, January). 2008 International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP) Congress in Hokkaido, Japan.
  32. 徐珊惠,《體育性別化與性別體育化:《美麗拳王》中運動與性別身體辯證》,2008 1月。台灣文化研究學會 ( 樂生怒活 Enjoy Living, Raging Lives 2008 年年會 ),台北,台灣。 (Full Paper)
  33. 徐珊惠,《女性與運動》,2007 12 月。 性別研究教學成果發表會帶動週遭學校或同領域學術發展之具體策略與成效,台南,台灣。 (Full Paper)
  34. Hsu, S. H. Teaching with Technology: A case study in a basic physical education classroom in Taiwan. (2007, August). Multimedia, Educational Resource for Learning Online Teaching (MERLOT) International Conference in New Orleans, USA.
  35. Hsu, S. H. & Chepyator-Thomson J. R. Media Creation of Body Images: Female, Athlete and Female Athlete (2006, November). North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) National Convention in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  36. Hsu, S. H., Cheng Hong Wu, Yaslan Chan, Miao San Yea and Chia Wei Chan. What do Female Athletes Look Like in Taiwan (2007, April). American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention in Baltimore, MD.
  37. Hsu, S. H. Becoming a ''Female'' Athlete: A Case of Taiwanese Female Athletic Identity. (2006, April). American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah.
  38. Chepyator-Thomson J. R., Hsu, S. H., & Culp B. A plea for Responsible Pedagogy in PETE Programs: Ideas and Strategies (2006, April). American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah.

C. 其他期刊:

1.    教育部(2009)<運動空間>。載於《校園性侵害或性騷擾防治與輔導實務手冊身體活動指導篇》。台北市徐珊惠;龔憶玲(編製)

D. 專書及專書論文

1.    徐珊惠 (201707)。不可能的健全:運動休閒中失能的性別身體。邊緣主體:性別與身分認同政治。台南巨流。

2.    徐珊惠 (201612)。「像女孩一樣…」:女性身體的運動經驗。性別與社會。台南:成大出版社。

3.    徐珊惠 (201507)。性別教育與健康。健康與體育概論。臺中市:華格那企業。

4.    徐珊惠(201303月)。運動身體的性別探討:以大學體育課程為例。反思身體---跨領域教學實踐手札(translation: the Reflected Body: Interdisciplinary teaching praxis guide)。臺北市:巨流出版社。

5.    張義東徐珊惠(201210月)。運動與視覺文化。新編運動社會學translation: New Sport Sociology)。臺中市:華格那企業。

6.    Hsu, Shan-Hui (2012). The role of physical education in Taiwan. In R.J. Chepyator-Thomson & S. H. Hsu (Ed.), Global Perspective on Physical Education and After-School Programs (pp. 122-141). Lanham, ML: University Press of America.

7.    Chepyator-Thomson, R.J. & Hsu, S.H. (2012). Global Perspective on Physical Education and After-School Programs. Lanham, ML: University Press of America.

8.    Lee, Y. L., & Hsu, S. H. (2011). Outside the Imperial Machine. In C. NERI & F. VILLARD (Eds.), Global Fences: Literatures, Limits, Borders (pp. 127-136). France: Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3.

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專 案 研 究




The Representation of Disable Bodies: Precarious identity of Female Athletes with Disability in Taiwan


A Study of Gender Awareness of Veteran Physical Education Teachers in College P.E. Classroom


Global Perspectives on the Use of Technology in Teaching Physical EducationSchools and Community Centers


A Study of Gender Interaction and Curriculum Design in College Physical Education


Construction of the Sport Gender Characteristics Scale and Its Analytical Application in Taiwan’s College PE Curriculum Design


The Intervention of Gender Consciousness in College Physical Education Classroom (主持人,補助金額:80,000



